Projects with International Donor Agencies

Power Planners International (PVT) LTD. > Projects with International Donor Agencies
Power Planners International


1. World Bank:

i. World Bank Study for Renewable Energy Integration into the Baluchistan Power System. The main objective of the study is to investigate the capacity of the Baluchistan Power System (a part of Pakistan’s interconnected Power System), to accommodate/integrate at least 500 (or more) MW of Variable Renewable Generation (VRE), i.e. Solar PV and Onshore Wind. It will also help to determine the capability of the existing and planned Power System to integrate new VRE capacities, connected in modules of 50 MW, in two “configurations” pf deployment of VRE:
a) Either Entirely PV Solar, or;
b) 2/3 Solar and 1/3 wind
ii. World Bank Project for Pakistan Renewable Energy Locational Study. Scope of work includes
a) Grid Integration analysis including identification of substations that can accommodate solar/and or wind capacity without major upgrades and those that would require major transmission/or substation upgrades to allow further investigation of VRE capacity;
b) Assessment and ranking of renewable energy zones using the MapRE tool3 and utilization of the best available and physical and land use data, and combining of this data with results from the grid integration analysis; and
c) More detailed identification of potential sites for solar parks, using the result from Task a and b to carry out a land availability analysis that investigates land ownership, environmentally protected and sensitive zones, presence of village settlements, geotechnical particularities, and other issues in a 20 km radius around high ranking substations.

2. MCC:

Consultancy services to US donor agency, Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) on developing a 400 kV network in Nepal (Ongoing).

3. GIZ:

Consultancy to German donor GIZ for Energy Reliability in Afghanistan and how to improve.


A package of training for three Batches each for two weeks of Basic and two batches for three weeks of Advanced course of Power System Analysis using PSS/E for engineers of NTDC, Pakistan in 2019 funded by USAID.

5. Asian Development Bank:

i. Enhancement of 500 kV and 220 kV network of NTDC (national grid company of Pakistan) underfunding of Asian Development Bank, ADB: TA-4665-PAK and ADB TA-2178-PAK.
ii. Enhancement of 132 kV Distribution network of Pakistan underfunding of Asian Development Bank, ADB: TA-4665-PAK.

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